In other news, after work today Hobbsie, Cream, and I went and got some sushi after work, which was fucking d-lish. I was able to keep it under 25 dollars too, which is unheard of. There was nobody in the whole place either so we had the whole staff gathered around us at the sushi bar for a nice little chat. Good times. Also, I got my EZ Pass today, thank Christ. Also, the bathroom closest to my classrooms has been repaired so I no longer have to risk shitting my pants while I climb stairs in a mad dash for the bowl.
Hmm.. What else happened today.. Oh, it got hot enough in my car today that my cell phone shut itself off and my iPod almost burned my hand. So yea, gonna be keeping them somewhere cooler from now on. On a good note, the heat basically toasted the poptarts I left in the center console, so that kicked ass.
Also, almost every fucking person in this co-op is a smoker. Fuckin' eh right? Just when you think the coffin nails are going out of style.
I got home around 7, watched a Ramones documentary on Sundance, lifted some weights, took a shower, then played guitar. You can squeeze a lot of stuff into 4 hours when you have to. It'll be nice when I can afford to put myself closer to work so I can get an extra hour or so in there too. But I guess that's about it really. If any of that didn't make sense, don't worry. If it did make sense, worry.
Oh, also -