I don't know this child at all, but I want severe pain to be visited on him. Not really, but I mean like really?
Really? Parenting is the weirdest thing in the world. You can sit in Sal's Pizza and easily observe every parenting style. Lackadaisical, authoritarian, et al. Some people just really don't give a fuck. I mean, you know your kid is pissing everybody off, shut them up, or I'm gonna hold them by their feet and dip them in the spaghetti sauce.
These last three weekends at work have pretty much blown. I guess the more I get caught in a shitty night the more I'll appreciate the nice steady paced nights. At least I got to eat Alex's left-over sesame chicken before things went nuts... Even though the unsettling "calm-before-the-storm" vibe was ever present. But yeah, that's work.
I'm pretty sure sesame chicken is the best Chinese food available. It's crunchy
and chewy like that thing Taco Bell has, but it's Chinese food. I dunno where I'm going with this.
Gratitude diaries aren't dykey, I guess... I don't think I could really get away with keeping one. At least not as long as it was still called a gratitude diary. I'd just have to write "shit I like" and then put a bulleted list.
So yea, here's some shit I like, y'know. Just 'cause...
1. Chris Martin
2. The word melancholy.
3. Not being the one getting bare-assed into next week.
4. Baby's breath accented with roses.
5. How "The Scientist" by Coldplay changed my life at work.
6. "Hindsight is 20/20"
7. Coldplay